Through our community outreach events and initiatives, we empower people socially, physically, spiritually, and economically. Contact us for further inquires on how you can key into this or partner with us or view our calendar for upcoming programs and events.

Household of Faith Charities offers a summer enrichment program for kids from the ages of 4 to 14. The program runs everyday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. The program focuses on educational enrichment, youth mentoring, character & leadership development, fine arts, and sports & recreation. Summer Enrichment Program provides free breakfast, lunch, and snacks each day. The children have various daily activities that range from chapel, field trips, and STEM workshops. We have also included a fashion camp for girls as well as a soccer academy. Tuition is free, but a registration fee is required. This enrichment program being June 10th and will end August 9th. Spots fill up fast and space is limited. For more information about this program, please attend an information session and/or contact 682-317-8540.
If you are interested in registering for your child for our summer enrichment program, please fill out the form below, scan it and send it to admin@hofarlington.org.
We understood that the 76018 is a food deprived community so we started with the food pantry; with a small truck we serviced approximately 60 plus families. Supplying breads, dairy, protein, fresh produce, fruits, and non-perishable goods (soda, water, etc.). Ever since that moment HOF charities expanded to servicing 13 counties in Dallas for free food at about 10 pounds per person. On average we serviced 190 plus families in our first year and nearly 10,000 individuals in October of 2014. In the year 2016 we were able to cater to over 23,000 people. We will be continuing the food pantry this year 2024 and we hope to exceed the numbers we met last year.

HOF Family Carnival is our annual Memorial Day event that brings together diverse families. The traditionally themed carnivals offer events and activities for all ages and are sure to bring out the kid in all of us.
During an average HOF Family Carnival you and your family can enjoy inflatable rides, carnival games, and delicious food. Special attractions in the past have included cultural showcases, fashion shows, and dance productions. There is something for everyone and we hope you and your family plan to join us at the next event.

Household of Faith Charities and Household of Faith Arlington Church has hosted, The Finale Concert formerly known as Open Heavens since 2012. The vision of this concert was started by Pastor Ropo Tusin. The purpose to showcase the talent within our church, our community, and our city. As well as celebrate renowned international artists. Some of our past performers include Tasha Cobbs, Gabriel Eziashi, James Okon, Israel Houghton, Tye Tribett, Midnight Crew, The Potters House Special Acapella Choir, Kierra Sheard, Ingrid Rosario, The Walls Group and many more.
The Finale Concert allows us to be a beacon of light that effects change in our city. HOF Arlington is dedicated to saving souls, changing lives and expanding the family of Christ through loving God and loving people. This concert provides us a chance to have corporate worship, bringing together people from all walks of life connecting through music and prayer.
If you want to find out more about getting involved please contact us. If you are an organization or a company that shares our beliefs, we’d love you to work with us. We are also affiliated to the following agencies:
- World Vision.
- Tarrant Food Bank.
- Arlington Clergy and Police Partnership (ACAPP)
- Arlington Public Library
- Tom Thumb